The ALIAS project addresses medical services and information inadequacy to ensure health care (HC) provision in the Alpine Space (AS) where telemedicine services are not widely exploited and language barriers represent an obstacle.
The AS tourist vocation during some periods of the year makes its HC structures periodically inadequate in facing a larger demand of services.
On the other hand, larger structures during the rest of the year are unnecessary due to the low density of AS local residents.
A priority of ALIAS is to ensure fair access to HC public services and related communication infrastructures within the area covered by the programme.
The project will link together a number of AS hospitals enabling the creation of a Network of ALIAS Virtual Hospitals (VH) to share medical information, adopt telemedicine service and exchange best clinical practices, to improve the efficiency of the hospitals in that area.
This project includes 10 partners: Regione Lombardia (Lead Partner), Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, Garmisch-Partenkirchen Hospital in Oberbayern, INSA of Lyon and SISRA in Rhône-Alpes, the General Hospital Izola and the University Clinic of Pulmonary and Allergic Diseases of Golnik in Slovenia, the Regional Hospital of Villach in Kärnten, the Geneva University Hospitals and the Republic and Canton of Geneva, Department of economy and health in Région Lémanique